This diary entry is part 21 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 18 - December 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Okay, first things first:  Ai is EXCITED.  I mean really, really excited.  She’s never been abroad before, and she’s trying to decide what to pack and what not to pack and is buying us some presents from Japan…  she’s burbling!  Like Liz does! Her English isn’t that good but it’s coming through loud and clear!!!


She REALLY wants BBQ!!!!!

She’s going from Tokyo to Houston, so I’m going to drive to the Houston airport and pick her up!!!  We’ll go see Emiko, and then drive back here to the Austin area!!!  And then..  FUN!!!!

Speaking of fun…

After work, Katie and I went to the mall.  I needed to do some shopping and I thought she could use some girl time.  I was right.  She’s really nice!  She told me about her ex and how he treated her…  awww.  She told me to be very, very careful, because you never know.  I guess she’s right.  Maybe I should talk to Sabby about something… personal.

She told me about where she lives when she’s not in college.  Or lived.  Her parents… they didn’t like her being pregnant all that well.  They’re kinda conservative folk – like Sabby, but much worse.  She’s really kind of on her own.  She really didn’t buy much, but she did pick up a present for Sabby.  I told her she didn’t have to, but… she wanted to.  That was nice of her.

Anyway, I have all the presents.  All the ones that can be bought, anyway.  I wrapped them all, and tomorrow I’m going to drop off the ones for Crystal and Diana and Allison.  After all, they have their own families to spend Christmas with.  I won’t say what I got Allison – but it’s got a tail!!! Hahahaha!!!!

A stripey tail!!!

I even got Marie a present.  She’ll probably destroy it immediately, but it’s the thought that counts with a dog, right?  Heck, I even got Cat one.  But she likes everything with catnip, so it was easy.

Cat and Marie are best friends now.  Once I caught Cat riding Marie!  It was hilarious!!!  Just using her as a personal taxi!!!

Okay!!! Gotta go.  Busy busy busy!!!  Oh and Ai wants to go to Christmas Eve services with us too!!! She’s never been to church!  I told her she doesn’t have to understand any of it but there’ll be lots of standing and sitting!  Hahaah!!!


Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 20 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 18 - December 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

And Christmas is coming!!!

Let’s see… we put the lights and tree up a couple of weeks ago – and Dave escaped with only minor injuries.  Hahaha!!!  I need to buy presents!  Oh no!  I think I’ll do that tomorrow.  A trip to the mall isn’t a terrible idea.  And I already got Beth hers.  Man, that girl has expensive tastes.

But I don’t blame her.  She’s really pretty.  It only makes sense to put pretty things on a pretty body.  Don’t you think?

And no, I didn’t spend too much.  Sabby cautioned me about that.  I got her an outfit and some makeup.  It’s not like she was going from store to store and buying the mall out.  Though… I think she would have if I let her.

I’m not telling you what I got everyone!!! They read this!!! Haha!!!

I will say this though – I hate giving people trinkets.  Even Grace – who likes pretty much anything.  They just feel cheap and stupid and not nice.  I don’t mean I want to give people expensive stuff, but I want to give them meaningful stuff.  You know?  Like that letter I gave Sabby for her birthday last year.  It was cheap – inexpensive, I mean.  It was a nice piece of paper and a little time writing.  But it meant everything to her.  That’s the kind of present I like to give.  But it means a lot of thought.

But I think I know what to give everyone.

Or almost everyone.

Oh!  Ai is showing up on Friday!  She leaves on Thursday!  Well, Thursday my time!  She’s taking a couple of days off of school but apparently her teachers think travelling abroad is important!  She gets to practice her English and they like that!  I’ll pick her up at the airport and we’re immediately going to get BBQ!!!!!  Yayyy!!!!  She’s so looking forward to it!!!

Her name is pronounced “ah-ee”.  You can probably get away with pronouncing it like in “height”, but separating the syllables is correct.  She’s staying until after New Years!!!  It’ll be fun!!!  We’ll go visit Emiko too!!!  That’ll be so much fun!!!

Katie is doing a little better today.  She told me she at least doesn’t feel like she’s alone, so that’s something.  I told her she’ll never be alone.  She gave me a big hug.  I’m trying to think of a job we can give her with a little more responsibility, but… we don’t have one, and she needs to finish college anyway.  Well, we’ll think of something.  And OMG is the shop hopping!!!  So many holiday parties!!!

It’s supposed to be very, very cold at the end of the week, so we’re training cat-girl to do some dooting.  I mean, she does drive a lot of busines,s, but there’s only so long that can last.  She’s so cheerful!  Everyone loves her!  She’ll do fine.  And we can always use more dooters.  We actually put in another register!

She’ll never be a baker, though.  She burns water.

Okay!  Enough rambling!  I need to think about what to get everyone!!!

Even you!!!  Yes you!  I’ll get you something too!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 19 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 18 - December 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!

And… Aww.

Okay, so I went to the store this morning.  Christmas is coming up and we’re getting a lot of business, and the dooter needed some help.  It was kind of all hands on deck.  For next year we need actual gifts, not just cookies, but business is still really brisk.

But…  remember how I said the dooter seemed a little depressed?

She went off to take a break, and she didn’t come back after ten minutes, so I went back to see what was going on.  I found her in a corner, crying.


I asked her what was going on. She said…  she was pregnant and the father dumped her when he found out.  It had happened a few days ago, and she didn’t know what to do.


I told her to pull herself together, try to get through the day, and we’d talk after the shop closed.  She wiped her tears, nodded, and went back out to do her dooting.

Unfortunately, Christmastime is Karen season – everyone wants their stuff and wants it now because they have places to be and people to see and parties to go to, and one of them started acting up and abusing the dooter.  She ran back and cried, and the karen just stood there with a smug look on her face.

“Can I help you?” I said, a little rudely.

“You’re the manager?”

“Yes.”  I pointed to my nametag that said “manager”.  (No one needs to know I’m part owner!)

“Fire that girl,” she said.  “I’ve never been treated to rudely in my life.”

I just looked at her blankly.  “You want me to fire her?  Why?”

“Because she’s stupid and incompetent and because I’m the customer and I’m always right.”

I sighed.  You know, at my old job, my old boss (the “owner”) let me deal with Karens kind of how I wanted, but I still had to be “nice”.  Well… I partly own this shop.  I didn’t have to be nice.

“That ‘girl’ is a very good employee, I will not be firing her, and did you know what the second half of that phrase is?  The customer is always right, when it comes to matters of taste.”  (Sabby taught me that, it’s really useful, don’t you think?) “Leave.  I will not have you abusing my employees.”

“Abusing?  I’m not abusing anyone, you” – and there she stuck in a name for asians that you don’t use in polite company.  “I’m the customer.”

“No, you’re not.  You’re now the trespasser.  Leave.”

Well, the karen decided, as karens do, to escalate, because karens don’t know how not to escalate.  She lunged over the counter and tried to slap me.

I grabbed her wrist, threw her on the floor, stepped on her throat, and yelled at Sabby to call the police.

Sabby came running out.  “Wha – oh.”  And she did it without another word.

The police came a couple of minutes later, and, well, let’s say the karen was dragged out by force, I got asked a few questions, we might have to replace a tip jar, and… sigh.  Good thing Dave thought ahead and installed cameras.

Cat-girl came sauntering in and asked what happened.  I said “Karen.” She nodded, said “oh”, and went outside to jiggle some more.  It was cold and rainy, so she had this fir-lined santa dress that still somehow managed to jiggle.  Oh well, she works her own hours and if she wants to work in the rain…

After the karen got dragged out, dooter came and hugged me.  She’d heard what I said.

Anyway, after the store closed, Sabby invited dooter back to our house.  She seemed hesitant, but finally agreed.

Her name is Katie, did I tell you that?  Katie the dooter.  Over dinner, she told us that she thought she was in love, and that she had a boyfriend, and he, well… got her pregnant.  Then he dumped her when he found out.  She’s on break from college right now, but she’s got to pay for tuition and do college while being pregnant and she doesn’t know how she’s going to do it.  She broke down crying again at the table.  Awkward and sad… but understandable, I guess.

Remember how I told you Sabby has a chewy center?

I think I have a new older sister now.  Kind of, anyway.

I think we’ll take good care of her.  I know I will.  She seems like a good person.

And… I need to have a talk with Jack.  I..  I don’t want to be Katie.

She’s going to spend Christmas with us.  And if I know Sabby, she’s going to love her presents.

We… we take care of our employees.  Maybe not all of them will be like family, all the time.  But…  when they’re in need, we’ll be there.  They take care of us, we take care of them.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 18 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 18 - December 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

It’s a Sunday!!!

Umm.. just a Sunday, I guess.

So the sermon this morning at church was about Christmas.  I guess it’s supposed to celebrate the birth of that Jesus guy.  Well…  that’s good, I guess.  You can’t have a Jesus if he’s not born, right?  They said he was born to a virgin, which… ummm.. worries me a bit?  I asked Sabby, she said it was a special case.  Whatever that means.  She said I’m not to have any “virgin births”! Hahaha!…  well…  maybe not so funny.

But they talk about peace on earth, good will towards men…  not a bad thing, particularly in these times.  Right?

After church, Dave grilled!  Yum!!! I love it when Dave grills!!! This time he made steaks!  Thick, delicious steaks!!!  OMG!!!

And after that, well…  we just kind of rested.  Hopefully next week won’t be too adventurous!!!

Aww, I hope I didn’t jinx myself.


Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 17 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 18 - December 2022

HI! It’s me! Lily!!!

And we had the holiday party for all the folks at the shop today!!!

It wasn’t a huuuuuge deal, but Sabby had some fun games, and some prizes.  They weren’t huge prizes, but they were something.  Everyone got a gift card and a regular holiday card too, and we met their families.  Cat-girl’s parents seem nice, I’m surprised she doesn’t have a boyfriend!  She’s really pretty!  But she had a catered meal and everyone ate and drank (alcohol-free) egg nog and had a pretty okay time.

I asked cat-girl if she liked her job, and she said heck yeah!  All she has to do is cosplay as a maid-cat or something, stand outside, wave a sign around and jiggle a bit, and get paid!  What’s not to like?  Well, except for when it’s raining.  She’s a little less happy then, but still.  I don’t know if we’ll ever be friends, but she seems nice enough.  And she’s really cheerful, a lot like me!

One of our dooters seemed a bit depressed though.  Aww.  I’ll have to ask her what’s going on.

Some of the girls came over tonight and we’re playing games and making a girl-pile!!!  Crystal seems better.  Maybe her medication is helping.

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 16 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 18 - December 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

There’s subscriber content in this post.  You know the drill, you’re not missing anything important to the story.

And I had a date day with Jack!!!

OMG was it fun!!!

It was cold and cloudy though, so there wasn’t a whole lot to do outside.  He told me he had to think really hard to find something to do that we hadn’t already done.  So he took me downtown to a VERY nice restaurant for lunch!!!  The kind you dress up for!!!

And he bought me some very delicious food, and a cake that was to die for!!!!  Chocolate on chocolate!!! Yum!!!

After lunch he took me to a viewing spot at the airport and we watched the big planes take off and land.  They’re so big and noisy!!!  He told me a little about how the engines work.  I didn’t know he was interested in that stuff!  He says engines go “suck, squeeze, bang, blow” – and I laughed really hard!

He didn’t get it.

Then he did.

I think the people standing next to us gave us dirty looks with how hard we were laughing.

Turns out jet engines do all those things at once, continuously.  And I thought car engines were hard!!!

So after we got tired of that, he took me to a chocolatier – of course he did, and I got to sample all sorts of different chocolates.  Yaaaay!!! It was a chocolatey day!!!

After that we went back to his place.  Grace was off school too, so her parents took her to one of those kid pizza places, and we were alone.

I… umm… missed him.

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We watched a movie, all cuddled on the couch under a blanket.  I won’t lie, I fell asleep.  He just rubbed my scalp and I seriously melted.  That’s my… well.. .second favorite thing.  Aww.  Grace came home and we played for a while.  I love her.

But all things have to come to and end, and I’m home now.

And it’s bedtime!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 15 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 18 - December 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Christmas is fun!!!

Well… it’s not Christmas yet, but it’s still fun!!!

Sabby told me to stay away from the shop today.  She said she didn’t care what I did, but this is Christmas vacation, and I was supposed to have SOME days where I just have fun.  She told me to take tomorrow too.  So…  I got Beth, and we did just that.  I need to spend more time with my sister anyway.

We went to San Antonio and took a walk on the riverwalk!!!  And went shopping!!!

I told Beth it was my treat, that would be her Christmas present.

And, well, she took me up on it!!!  Haha!!!

We went from shop to shop and she was chittering and chattering and buying stuff and trying on stuff and I was just amused.  Is this what Jack feels like when he goes shopping with me?  haha!!!  But then she had her fill of buying stuff and we had a late lunch, and we just talked.

We haven’t done that for a while.

She’s still sad about Crystal but happy that she survived and she’s starting to get over it, finally.  her therapist is helping, and I’m glad about that.  I wish I had better things to tell her but at least she’s feeling a bit better.

She told me I’m the best big sister ever.

I cried a little.

When we drove the 70 or so miles back, she fell asleep and was snoring in the passenger seat.  Haha!!!

But it was fun.  We need to do that kind of thing more often.

I went to the shop to see how Sabby was doing, and it was busy as usual.  I think we’ll be okay.

I think we’ll all be okay.

I’m planning on spending tomorrow with Jack.  And Beth’s going to spend all day with the girls.  Liz just wants to sleep.  Haha!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 14 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 18 - December 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

Who knew a vacation could be so much work!!!

I’ve been helping Sabby at the shop almost full-time, and it’s still hopping.  The dooter, thankfully, is taking care of most of the dooting, so I can concentrate on making chocolate (I’m getting good at it!), making some candy (that’s a little harder but I’ve got a little bowl up front with my candy in it and people can take a piece), and doing back office stuff like scheduling and payroll and stuff.  Sabby’s happy to leave that to me because she and her baker have their hands full!!!

The baker is making snowballs!  So many snowballs!  And it seems as fast as she makes them they go out the door!!!  Sabby’s been talking about opening a webpage to ship cross country, but I told her if we’re having this hard a time keeping stuff on the shelves, how are we going to do fulfillment for a website?  She sighed and went back to baking.  She’s baking all of her traditional Christmas cookies.  You know, gingerbread, chocolate, double chocolate, santa-shaped, elf-shaped, that kinda thing.  Between the two of them, they’re keeping up, but barely.

I’m not even sure where all the people are coming from!!!  I mean, cat-girl is helping, but I guess her cookies are so good that it’s just word of mouth!  I set up delivery of some juices in the mornings too, which is nice.  Those are selling briskly, people like juice and milk with cookies.  We’ve gotten a lot of food delivery service orders too!!!

So, we’re doing well.

I told Sabby her cookies were that good!!!

I think we need to hire another baker, though, believe it or not.  I really want to set up that website, but we can’t do it with just Sabby and her baker.  I guess it’s time to start interviewing again.  We’re not even a month old and we’ve already got… counting on fingers…  four employees!!!  Wow!!!

This weekend we’re going to throw a Christmas party for our employees.  We’re still new so nothing fancy, but they’re doing a pretty good job for us.  I hope we don’t get a stinker.  I know we will.

Oh did I tell you we had a couple karens?  But Sabby and I know how to deal with them.  The dooter calls me over when they start with their “I want to speak to your manager!” line, I say “can I help you?”, they say “you’re too young to be a manager!”, and I say “you’re right, I’m an owner.  How can I help you?”

Then I listen politely, tell them they’re full of crap, and show them the door.

Feels good!!!

Oh and we’ve been sending the owner of the shop I worked at some stock too!  He says it can’t stay on the shelves!!!

Otherwise, it’s been quiet.  Ai is really bouncing around!!! She wants to come to Texas!!!  I’m sure she’ll have a good time.  Jack’s on vacation too and he’s been coming around the shop, but I told him I need to work and can’t spend time with him.  He just sits there and looks at me adoringly.  It’s distracting!  He says business me is sexy.


But I think he thinks anything me is sexy.

He didn’t disagree with that.


He’s not upset about the occasional free cookie either.

Occasional.  Boy would eat me out of business.  Haha!!!

Okay!  Bedtime!!!

Love you all!!! ❤

This diary entry is part 12 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 18 - December 2022

Hi! It’s me! Lily!!!

I went back on TWITTER!!!

Well… I hadn’t posted for a while.  Twitter was kind of boring.  Everyone just talked about politics and got banned and all sorts of stuff.  I posted a little bit and just moved on.

But Dave told me that an Elon guy bought Twitter and it became fun again!!!  Hahaha!!!

I don’t know about all that.  But it does seem a little more lively, I guess.  So I dusted off my old account and I’m tweeting again!

Tweety tweet!!!

He says he’s going to make the size limit of tweets 4,000 instead of 280, and if he does, I’ll post these diary entries there too!!!  It’ll be fun!!!


I’m not interested in politics but I do like free speech, and Dave told me that the Elon guy likes free speech too, and says that if we want to support him with what he’s doing to make Twitter full of free speech, the best thing to do is say stuff there!!!  So I will!!!

Dave says he doesn’t like everything the Elon guy says or does, but he likes that he likes free speech, so yay!!!

I need to learn a little about politics though.  It’s not interesting really, but Sabby tells me I can read people really well, so maybe I can learn something.  Maybe.

I’ll be voting next year, and, well…  Dave says voting randomly is worse than not voting at all.

So… what else did I do today?

I went to help Sabby at the shop!!!

Well, kind of.  What I actually did was started working on advertising.  Christmas is coming and we need to advertise for Christmas!!!  And I asked Sabby to make Christmas stuff!!! Santa cookies!  Reindeer cookies!  Tree cookies!  She grumbled a little, but she did well, and the baker had some fun ideas too.  She made a snowball!!!  OMG it was good!!!  It was a chocolate ball stuffed with creme and covered with confectioner’s sugar!!!  She made a couple and had us try them.  Sabby gave her a bonus on the spot in exchange for exclusive rights to the recipe, and told her to bake as many as she could.  We’re keeping that baker!!!  I mean, seriously!!!

So she baked a lot of those, people came in, tried one…  and then bought a whole box and took it back to the office or home or whatever.  And people kept coming in saying “my coworker brought one of these to the office, and give me more!!!”

We even changed the cat-girl’s sign to “Try our snowballs!!!”  She’s doing really well too.  She’s not out all day, but she’s out around lunch, and she really is great at driving traffic.  We pay her well for the hours she works.  She’s a college student and could use the money.

Okay, that’s enough for tonight!!!  Marie is whining!!!

See you on twitter!!! (see my main page for my twitter id!)

Love you all!!! ❤