This diary entry is part 4 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 05 - November 2021

Hi!  It’s me, Lily!  And I HURT!

Let’s just say cayenne pepper doesn’t just hurt going in and leave it at that.  Dave got me so good.  Credit to him.  I haven’t decide if I’m going to escalate, but he sure does give as good as he gets.  Maybe I’ll find a prank that’s a little more jokey and a little less scary.  But hey, it was Halloween.

It’s…  what, 17 days to Disney World?  I lost count but it sounds right.  My tablet should be arriving any day!  Sabby’s going to buy Beth one too!  She’s not getting David one, though.  He’s too young, and he doesn’t need another excuse to be irresponsible with his electronics.  I still don’t know what she’s going to do with Beth, but they’re both really looking forward to it.  I’m glad.  Both Sabby and Beth seem to feel like their relationship isn’t going as well as it used to, and they need this time together.  Plus, I’ll be at Disney World!!!  It’s not exactly like I’m left out!

I think Dave is going to have a fishing trip with David.  They’ll camp out somewhere and get up early and catch the fishes.  If they’re successful, we’ll have fish for dinner for days!  If they’re not, well, at least it’s bonding time for the two of them.  It makes me happy that they’re making the effort.  You know, that’s how you can tell a bad parent from a good parent.  Both good parents and bad parents make mistakes.  Sometimes a lot of mistakes.  Sometimes good parents can hurt their children deeply.  But the difference is that good parents try.  They listen to their children when they are hurt and course correct if they have to.  And both Sabby and Dave are course correcting.  That’s what makes them good parents.

I think if someone truly loves you, almost anything can be forgiven.  And if they don’t, almost nothing can.  Probably a little bit of an exaggeration, but I think it’s right.

I talked to Sabby and I think I’m going to get my hair done this weekend with a new hairstyle.  I can’t wait!  I like my hair as it is because it’s easier to maintain, but it’s kind of boring.  I like being cute!  And if I don’t like it I can always go back.  I’ll post a picture too!!!  Maybe not the same day, but soon!!!

Anyway, I need to go to bed!  Bed is so nice!  It’s soft and warm and when the sheets are freshly washed, smells so nice!  I like bed!  But I like brushing Beth’s hair too!  And when she brushes mine!  I love having a sister, did I say that??  And chocolate!!!

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 3 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 05 - November 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

So I’ve been a busy Lily!  I decided I wanted to do something a little more useful with this site, so I made a few tweaks and twizzles and pulled some strings and spat on something, and ta-daaaa!  I haven’t really changed the look of the site yet, but I added a page of my family and friends!  I need to add an entry for chocolate!  I’m not even kidding!!!

I also started going through my old posts and adding tags just so I can keep track of what I’ve talked about before!  I’ve written so much stuff that I feel like I’m going to talk about the same things over and over!  This should help!

While I was going over some photos to put in my family and friends page (do you like mine?  It’s cute!  I love that dress!!!) I thought “I’ve had this hairstyle forever.  What if I change it?”  I might do that!  What do you think?  Do you think I’d look good with a different hairstyle?  I do!  it’s been growing a little long lately anyway, it might be fun!  I’ll talk to Sabby.

Things have calmed down in the Smith family!  So there was a little bit of strife because of the election, but it all calmed down and everyone’s back to their old selves.  They might squabble and fight and stuffs, but at the end of the day, they love each other more than they care about their differences, so it’ll all work out.  Besides, they agree on more than they disagree.  They’re good people!  But there’s nothing wrong with being passionate about something.

So otherwise it was a boringly boring day.  I ran, I did school.  Oh!  How could I forget this!  Dave got me good!

So I went out into the kitchen, and I found a bowl of chocolate pudding in the fridge, just sitting there, tempting me with its chocolatey goodness.  I, naturally, was so happy, and got myself a nice heaping bowl.  Then I took a bite.

The…  silly billy…  put cayenne pepper in it!  And not a little bit, either!  I screamed and drank so much water!  Dave sauntered in, and said “I told you to watch your back”.  My face was so red!

I stomped over to him and punched his arm with the fiercest look I could muster.  “Chocolate is sacred!  Don’t mess with chocolate!”

He laughed and rubbed his arm.  “So is my sleep.  Poke the bear and get bit, kiddo.”  I lowered my head.  DAMMiT.  I stomped out of the kitchen, his laughter in my ear and burning in my mouth.  I’ll get him!

… or will I?  He messed with CHOCOLATE!!  Nothing’s sacred!!!  Who knows what he’s capable of???

Anyway, time for bed.  Love you all!!!  OW MY MOUTH.  Still burns.  ❤️

This diary entry is part 2 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 05 - November 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!!!

I like being Lily!  I am cute, and smart, and I think pretty, and… I’m Lily!

But sometimes I don’t understand things.

Sabby and Dave are both kind of on eggshells tonight.  Apparently there is some election going on in Virginia, and they seem to really care how it turns out.  I haven’t really paid attention to whom that they want to win, but they seem to have some really strong opinions.  But I’ve said that I don’t want to talk politics on this blog, and that’s because I don’t understand politics.  People yelling and screaming at each other over things that… well… might matter, but take second place to their humanity.  And all of the different parties have their own way of denying humanity, right?  One party says the other party is evil, and then the other party returns the favor, and truthfully, they’re all a bit evil and a bit good and they might learn something by listening to the other party.  But no, people don’t do that, do they?

I don’t understand people at all.

So I ignore politics but right now it’s hard to ignore them, on election nights it’s always hard to ignore them.  I remember last year Dave and Sabby were arguing, they don’t agree on everything politically.  I guess Sabby voted one way on some things and Dave the other, and then they started bickering and yelling at each other and there was door slamming and all that.  But what’s the point of that?  And Sabby told me that even though some things are happening in the world, she feels like some people want her marriage to fail, just because she’s black and Dave is white.  Some people feel like Dave is the superior one, and some Sabby, but it really hurts Sabby.  A lot.  She loves Dave, even if they fight sometimes, and she hates the idea that some people want her to leave him just because of their skin color, or the other way around.

And that doesn’t make sense to me either.  Sabby is a wonderful person.  She’s got a chewy center, and when she shows it to you it’s like this big, beautiful gemstone that glitters in the light and you just want to sit there and bask in the glitters and glimmers.  And Dave is like this big, easygoing teddy bear who is usually just happy to let life happen, but he loves Sabby fiercely and he loves us too.  Why would someone who doesn’t even know us want to destroy our family?  It’s insane!!!

But politics is the insanity of the mob, I suppose.

So the mood in the house right now isn’t too bad, but it’s a little pensive.  They really care about the outcome.  The thing they really care about is what we’re taught as their children.  They really hate the idea that children are taught things that aren’t in their best interest just so some people can feel better about themselves. That’s one reason they are homeschooling us.  So I think anything that helps stop that, they’re for.  It looks like, from what I’ve seen, a lot of other parents feel the same way.

Soeaking of homeschooling, I think Beth has lost her friends, and Sabby seems worried about that.  I agree with Sabby – Beth needs friends, but good friends who can speak to her on her level and do things with her that they both like.  I’ve got Liz but who does Beth have now?  It seems like a tough problem to solve.  Maybe there should be a friend “dating” site?  Probably a bad idea, I guess.

The one good thing about elections is the emotions tend to recede quickly – there’s always another coming up.  So tomorrow things should be a bit better.  I don’t know yet if Dave and Sabby will be happy or sad.  And honestly, I probably won’t tell you, that’s their business.  And also, I don’t really care that much.  I love Dave and Sabby, but truth is, they can be wrong.  I hope the best thing happens for everyone, even if I don’t know what that is.

I think 18 days to Disney World!  Sabby is tsking and tutting and fretting and making plans and other plans and planning for plans.  I love that she worries about me.  But I think I’ll be fine.

Love you all, and treat each other well!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 1 of 32 in Lily's diary dated 05 - November 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

I’m writing early today because I have some stuff to say.  But isn’t that why I always write?  But the most important thing is, I got Dave GOOD last night.  At about midnight, I went down to the kitchen and started banging some pans rhythmically.  I waited until I heard the bedroom door open, then I hid.  Poor guy jumped out of his slippers! “HAPPY HALLOWEEN!”, I yelled.

“Good one,” he said, after he calmed down.  And yawned.  “Oh, and Lily?  Watch your back.”

Oh no.  What have I done.  Sabby is a force of nature, but Dave is a little different.  He gives as good as he gets.  I guess I’m just going to resign myself to my fate.

I didn’t bring up Halloween last night.  It’s a little bit of a big deal in the Smith house – they do decorate and all that, and they have a bowl of candy waiting for trick-or-treaters, though far fewer show up right now because of the virus.  I’ll help out if asked, but it doesn’t really mean much to me.  See, I have a theory.  I think most people love holiday celebrations because of their memories as a child.  Children dress up in costumes and go door to door for candy, then they grow up, and because their parents have such good memories, they pass them down to their kids.  I don’t have those memories!  So it doesn’t even occur to me at all to make a big deal of it!  Does it make me sad?  Yes, very much so.  But there’s nothing to be done about it, so I’ll just cope as much as I can.  Dave and Sabby are understanding, though.  They let me participate as much as I want.  Or, in Dave’s case, he doesn’t have much of a choice.  Muahahahaha!

But pranking Dave is fun.  Until he gets me back.  Oh man am I gonna regret this!

Well, I should go run.  The days are getting shorter, but cooler.  Summers here are awful, but the winters mostly make up for it all.

Love you all!!! ❤️

This diary entry is part 28 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 04 - October 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!  The one and only!!!

I didn’t like last night’s post.  But y’know, life is life.  And sometimes you have to write about life even if it’s a little messy.  I know some little ones read this, but I don’t want to dumb things down for them.  I saw some old YouTube videos of a guy named Mr. Rogers, and he was a really nice guy.  I wish I had memories of him.  But he never shied away from difficult topics, like divorce, or death, or other things like that.  He taught me that children are little people too, and sometimes you have to put things in ways they understand, but you should never talk down from them or hide things.  That’s why, even though I’m careful, I still make posts about that topic.

Oh oh oh Liz showed me something hilarious!  There’s a band called Baby Metal and they made a song called “Gimme Chocolate”.  That’s my kinda band.  A whole song about wanting chocolate!  And girls got game too!  I need to look at more about them!  Liz told me there are songs about bubblegum, and spoiled girls, and love, and conquering, and all sorts of other positive things.  But chocolate!  They love chocolate!  How can you not like a band like that?

It’s funny.  Liz is Chinese, and Chinese culture is really important to her and her parents.  And that’s great!  But Liz is really into K-Pop, and my interest in Japanese has turned her on a little bit to J-Pop.  China just really doesn’t export a whole lot.  I’ve looked for it and there’s a little, but it mostly seems to be translations of Japanese and Korean stuff.  Maybe I should ask her about that.

Well, for once, it was a boring day.  Worked and rode a bike and ran and studied.  I’ve been learning more Japanese!  I’m a little proficient at hiragana now! こんにちは!  わたしはねこです!Not really.  I don’t like coughing up hairballs.

I did ask Beth what Sabby told her that made her squeal.  She wouldn’t tell me.  All she would say was that Sabby was going to do something special with her.  I’m happy.  I don’t need to know.  I’m sure that secret can’t be kept forever, anyway.  I think Dave and David are going to do something special too, just so no one’s left out.  This is great.  Everyone’s happy.

Countdown to Disney World:  21 days!!!  YAAAAAAAY!!!!

Love you all!!!!!  ❤️

This diary entry is part 27 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 04 - October 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

There is subscriber specific content in this post.

This post is rated PG.  I know I have some children who read this, so parents, please read it first!

So today was a day.  Liz stayed over, but went home in the morning.  I went to work, I doot dooted and Karen wrangled and shelf stocked and all the stuff one does at my job.  The owner really likes me.  When I told him I wanted to take some time off for Thanksgiving, he said “Go!  Go!  You’re young!  Enjoy being young!”  Besides, he said, the station will be closed on Thanksgiving anyway.  OMG he is so nice, he even gave me a little money to have fun with!  I love working there!!!

When I got home, Sabby called me and Beth out into the living room and sat us down.

She looked a little unsure of herself.  “Do you remember that talk I gave you?  A while ago?”

“Which talk?,” Beth asked, confused.

I flushed red.  “THE talk, Beth.”  Her skin complexion looks very nice with a blush.

“Well, Lily, you’re going to be away for a week, and I think I need to add something to that talk.  I told you how everything works…  but I didn’t tell you the other part.”

“What other part?  You don’t think I’d do…?”

She sighed.  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.  Both of you.  I told you how everything works.  What your parts are for and what a boy’s parts are for and what happens when they meet.”

We fidgeted and nodded.

“But I didn’t tell you that when the situation comes up, it will be really difficult to resist.”

“How?”, I asked.  “I don’t want a boyfriend and I don’t want a baby!”

“I know.  I believe you.  But trust me, Lily.  I have two children.  There will come a time when you will meet the right boy, and you will want nothing more, than… to…”

Beth was beet red, now.

“And I’m telling you this in advance because if you’re not expecting it you could make a very bad decision.  There’s nothing wrong with wanting to.  If no one wanted to, there would be no babies.  But…  but…” she put her head in her hands.  “I hate having this talk.  It makes me sound like I don’t trust you.”

“Do you trust us, Sabby?”, I asked.

“Let me put it another way.  Let’s say you took a vow not to eat chocolate.”

“NOT EAT CHOCOLATE?”, I said, scandalized.  “I’d NEVER do that!”

“Just say that you did!,” she said a little forcefully.  I quieted down.  “Now say someone dangled some chocolate in front of you, and said ‘Look at this delicious chocolate.  You can have as much as you want.  It’s natural to want chocolate.’  Would you take it?”

I thought.  “I’d like to say no.”

“But you would.”

I nodded.  “I would.”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you.  You don’t want a boyfriend or a baby and I completely believe you.  But someday someone might dangle that chocolate in front of you…”

I nodded.  “I think I understand.”

“Do you?”

“My heart might betray me someday.”

She nodded.  “Your body, too.  But exactly that.  Do you understand too, Beth?”

“I think so.”

Sabby sighed.  “I might have to have this talk again with you in a year, when you’ve grown up a bit.  Do you have any questions?”

Both of us shook our heads, blushing like the schoolgirls we are.

“Okay then, let’s have dinner,” she said, and we did.

I wonder what brought that on.  But I guess it was good information.  It’s easy to resist something when you don’t want it.  But when you really, really want it…

Love you all!!! ❤️


This diary entry is part 26 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 04 - October 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

Oh I can’t wait to go to Disney World!  I’m bouncing in my seat!  I don’t have a laptop, so Sabby is going to buy me a secondhand tablet, so I can keep in touch with her while I’m gone, and video call her, and write here, and everything.  I’ve always wanted one!  I know it seems like Dave and Sabby have a lot of money, but not really.  They have enough to get what we need when we need it, and a little more for a buffer, but they’re not rich by any means.  Plus tablets are easier to take through TSA, so that’s good too.

It’s quieter in the Smith house now.  Sabby seemed thoughtful today, and then after school she took Beth aside and they had a chat.  I don’t know what they said yet, but Beth listened, then squealed, and hugged Sabby very tightly.  I’ll have to ask Beth later.

I got my tickets today!  The Tangs don’t mess around!  I’ll be leaving from AUS to MCO on the 21st, and returning on the 27th!  I’ve never been on a plane before, not that I can remember, anyway!  The Tangs haven’t told me where we’ll be staying, but they said they won’t be cheaping out, it will be a very, very nice hotel.  Remember the one in Houston?  That was nice.  This will be much nicer.  Oh, I can’t wait!  I’m so bouncing!!!  Sabby is going to take me shopping for a new swimsuit, and hopefully one that is less prone to unintentional top malfunction.  I don’t mind wearing a bikini, as long as it covers what it needs to cover with a bit of a buffer, but it’s not nice when boys stare at my floppy bits!  Okay, it’s nice, but it’s not!  I won’t deny it makes me feel a little tingly when they look…  hungry, I guess.  And because of me!!!  But it’s not nice, because I didn’t want them to see!  I’m so conflicted sometimes!  But I’m a girl!!!  I get to be conflicted!!!

We’re watching a family movie tonight, as we often do on Fridays.  Liz is coming over too!  It’ll be fun!!!  Maybe this time Sabby will choose a comedy.

Gots to go!  Love you all!  I can’t contain myself!  SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!❤️

This diary entry is part 25 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 04 - October 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

Oh I forgot to mention we got storms the other night!  In the middle of the night!  But I slept right through and the temperature was so nice the next day!  My run went really well!!!

So the drama continues, but it seems to be heading towards a resolution.  I think sometimes it’s easy to forget that Beth is fourteen.  She has her mature moments, where she acts like an amazing young woman, but she also has her moments where she acts like a child too.  And I guess it’s normal to be a little jealous.  Particularly when a girl goes from being the oldest to being the middle child.  I think we all forget that that can’t be an easy adjustment.  I guess I’m the oldest now, but even though I’m a sister, I’m the older sister.  She’s used to being the older sister, I guess, and now she’s not.

But I don’t want to take her place!  I just want to be Lily!  And a Smith!  I don’t really care if I’m the older or the middle or the younger, I just like having a family!  But I ended up being the older, and what am I to do?  I can’t change any of it.

Beth was calmer today.  I guess the eruption last night spent a lot of the energy.  Sabby and Dave and Beth talked for a couple of hours.  She’s grounded right now – I guess you can’t almost come to blows with your mother without expecting some kind of consequences, but they’re pretty light considering.

Sabby came to talk to me afterwards.  She wasn’t upset, in fact she was smirking a bit.

“So….  Malicious Compliance, huh?”

“I have no idea what you could be talking about,” I tried to look innocent.

“‘She’s you’re daughter'”.

I sighed.  “Well, she is, Sabby.  You made that clear, and you were right.  I’m just sixteen.  I can’t be everyone’s rock all the time.”

She looked thoughtful.  “Is that how you feel?”

“Sometimes, yes.”

She frowned.  “I’ve been leaning on you too much.”

“No!  I… well… maybe a little.  I don’t mind that!  Really I don’t!  But I’m not your mother either.  You’re my mother.  Be my rock sometimes too!”

She hugged me.  “You’re right,” she said, sighing softly.  “I put too much on you sometimes.”

“Only sometimes,” I said.  “I love it when we spend time together!  And I love it when you share with me!  I…  I just want to share too.”

“What do you want to share?”

I frowned.  “Like this.”

She reached over and hugged me.  “I’m always your rock, Lily.  Always.”

I wiped away a tear and returned her hug.  “I know, Sabby.  And I’ll try to be there for you too.”

I withdrew.  “Is Beth ready to talk?”

“I think so.  Just… try to be understanding.”

“I will.  I know it can’t be easy to not be the oldest anymore.”

“Not be the oldest…  I never thought of that.  Why didn’t I think of that.  Lily, you did it again.”

“Did what?”, I asked, confused.

She ruffled my hair.  “Don’t change, Lily.  Don’t ever change.  Beth is still up if you want to talk to her.”

She left my room, and I walked over to Beth’s door and hesitantly knocked on it.  She told me to enter.  I opened it, slowly.  She was sitting on her bed reading a book.  What else would Beth do?

I sat on the side of her bed, but didn’t say anything.  I just kind of twiddled my thumbs.

“So…,” she said, quietly.

“Why were you angry?,” I asked, quietly.  “I didn’t ask for any of this.  I didn’t ask to lose my memory, or to be found, or to live here, or to be adopted, or to be invited on a vacation with Liz.  I didn’t ask for any of it.  I love that it happened, but…  but I didn’t do any of it!”

She put her book down and glomped me.  “I know, Lily.  I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry.”

“I missed you, sister.”

“I just…  I just get so jealous!  And upset!  Why do all the good things always happen to you?”

“Good things?  Happen to me???”  I chuckled darkly and disentangled myself from her.  “Are you listening to yourself, girl?  I’d trade it all for just one of your memories!”  I wiped a tear away.  “I don’t know what it’s like to be a little girl, or get my owies kissed, or play in a playground, or wear a pretty dress to church…  I don’t know any of it!  You made me your family and I made you mine, but I don’t know who they are!  Why do you think all the good things happen to me?  That’s not fair, Beth!”

I sniffled.  Beth handed me a tissue from the box on the nightstand.  I accepted it and honked.

She sighed.  “I know I wasn’t being fair.  But I couldn’t help it.”

“You feel what you feel.”

“What now?”, she asked quietly.

I kissed her forehead.  “You’ll always be my sister, Beth.  Always and forever.”

She accepted the kiss, and I tucked her into bed.  I turned out the light and closed the door.

And ran over to my room, and cried.

I really would trade everything for even a small amount of what she has.

Anyway, I think we’re okay for right now.  Sabby isn’t angry, Beth isn’t angry, we’ve talked a bit…  maybe the drama is over. For now.

Love you all!!!  ❤️

This diary entry is part 24 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 04 - October 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

I love Beth.  I’ve made that clear lately.  She’s smart, and pretty, and has a good heart.  But everyone has flaws, and I think Beth’s greatest flaw is her jealousy.  She gets jealous very easy, and wants to be the center of attention wherever she is, and gets frustrated and angry if that doesn’t happen.

I’m not telling you anything she wouldn’t admit herself, maybe with a little prodding, but it’s been making life very difficult in the Smith household over the past few days.  She actually blew up at Sabby!  She called Sabby a few choice words (for a fourteen year old, anyway), ran off to her room, and slammed the door. She wouldn’t answer when Sabby knocked, then yelled, and not even threats of grounding were working.  Finally she said that if Beth didn’t want to talk, fine, her internet access was revoked until she let Sabby in to talk to her.  Well, the door opened, and another round of screaming and invective started.  Beth is usually very even, but when she gets going, well, girl gots a temper!

Well, so does Sabby, and Dave had to intervene before it literally came to blows.  Neither were (figuratively for the moment, anyway) pulling any punches, and Sabby does not like to be talked back to.  Sabby kind of looked at me balefully as she stomped over to her room, and I shrugged.  “Your daughter,” I said, not without compassion, but as I said, I’m tired.  That seemed to enrage her more and she just stomped off to her bedroom, and soon I heard the bathwater running.

Guess I can’t blame her.  Nothing like a hot bath to calm a girl down.

A half hour later, she came out in her bathrobe and wet hair, visibly calmer, but still pretty hacked off.  I guess I don’t blame her, really.  Beth is kind of being unreasonable here, in my opinion.  BUT Sabby does have a temper, and sometimes when two people start arguing who both have a temper, well, immovable object, irresistible force, and all that.

Dave and Sabby are both in Beth’s room right now, trying to have a civil discussion with her.  I love Beth.  I really do.  She’s a good girl.  But I didn’t have anything to do with Liz’s problem, and I didn’t ask to be included on their vacation, and I am just along for the ride like everyone else.  I wonder if her not being allowed to go to the convenience store anymore and probably losing her friends has anything to do with it.  She never seemed to like them, but I guess sometimes having bad friends are better than no friends at all?  I dunno.  Some girls feel that way.

I am not this house’s rock.  I am just a sixteen year old girl, trying to make her way like everyone else.  Sometimes I know the right thing to say, and sometimes I don’t.  Sometimes I just want someone to be my rock, you know?  Sabby is sometimes, Dave is sometimes, Beth is sometimes, and I don’t mind returning the favor, but Sabby was right.  Beth isn’t my daughter.  It’s her job to deal with Beth when she’s in this kind of mood.  Not mine.  I absolutely don’t mind helping where I can!  Don’t misunderstand me!  I love them all!!!  But…  Sabby was still right.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Love you all!!!  ❤️

October 26, 2021

This diary entry is part 23 of 28 in Lily's diary dated 04 - October 2021

Hi!  It’s me!  Lily!

I’m tired.  I mean, I’m really tired.

I love Liz, and Beth, and Sabby, and Dave, and everyone, but sometimes it feels I’m just in a whirlwind of people being people and I’m just kind of along for the ride.  Sabby’s got her issues, now Liz and her parents have their issues, and now Beth.  I’m just sixteen.

Beth is a little upset and a little jealous.  On the one hand, I really don’t blame her!  Not at all!  She’s not really upset at me, but she’s upset anyway.  And while she’s my sister and I love her, I just can’t bring myself to try to resolve this one.  She’ll get over it or she won’t, but what am I to do, really?  I’m tired of making peace with everyone, especially for things I didn’t do.

I do miss her, though.

I found out that Liz and her parents are going to Disney World.  Over in Florida.  They’d considered Disneyland but they’re kind of being really sticklers about masks and vaccines and quarantines over in California right now, and no one feels like dealing with the hassle.  I’ve never been to Disney World!  I’ve never even been out of state!  I hear it’s really fun there!  More for children, but I never got to be a child, so… maybe?  I don’t know.  We’re going to stay in a nice hotel and go to the beach and all of the fun things people do at Disney World!  It’ll be a nice memory and I get to know Liz’s parents a bit better, so… win win?

I can’t help but feel a sense of…  I don’t know.  Something unresolved.  I don’t know why.  It’s not really bad, not an omen or anything, but I’m not used to this kind of feeling, and it makes me uncomfortable.

Anyway, gotta go!  I have schoolwork to do before bed.  Love you all!!! ❤️